Social Bookmarking
In simple words, social bookmarking is the way people share, keep and manage bookmarks of resources over the internet. Its very easy to keep bookmarks as compared store the whole data. It saves time and space as well. It contains the internet address to that resource and could contain description as well, description will depend because it makes bookmarking easy to manage! And later you can visit the resource or you can forward or share with your friends, community or you can keep it private as a favorite.
As it makes easy to manage information over the internet and is really easy to share with other people, you can socialize easily the information you bookmarked, hence Social bookmarking.
Wiki also defines like : Social bookmarking is a method for Internet users to share, organize, search, and manage bookmarks of web resources. Unlike file sharing, the resources themselves aren't shared, merely bookmarks that reference them.
Because of this ease of sharing and socializing, webmasters are using social bookmarking as a tool to spread their information and website over the internet, they share it with their friends and if the information is really good, their friends will then share it with their friends. This brings free traffic to their websites.
Used in an effective way social bookmarking a powerful tool, it can make you popular among internet readers, but recent times as we all know that internet is full of people who spam everything, Social bookmarking has been a victim as well. But it doesn't effect anymore as people are becoming more aware and most of the spammer are always neglected or banned.
So if you really have real good, useful information to share, social bookmarking can help you spread your information in a more effective way, and people always will be benefited with your information.
So if you are a webmaster add social bookmarking buttons to your good informative websites and help people share the knowledge which can really help them!
Well if you like the information on my blog, you can always share it or comment or bookmark it.
read my tutorials on social bookmarking!
Thanks, Happy social bookmarking.