Skribit : Widget can help Cure Writer's Block
Do you really like blogging and are out of ideas about what to blog, or you have stopped blogging coz you dont feel there is anything to blog about.
Well then here is somthing which can help with the writer's block for the bloggers. This tool is named as SKRIBIT.
Skribit is a simple suggestion collection widget which can be put on a blog and can help gather feedback and suggestion from readers, this can help bloggers to write on several ideas and topics.
Skribit comes with two level signups, one is basic which is free and the other is Pro which is $24.95/Yr.
Free accout features
Use with 1 Blog
Widget Integration
Up to 15 active suggestions
Pro account Features
Unlimited Blogs
Unlimited Suggestions
Suggestion Moderation
Full Widget + Tab Customization
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